Practical tips: Different fabrics on the mildew removal method

Mildew On Cloth

Removal of mildew

Clothes for a long time after the inevitable occurrence of mildew spot phenomenon

Here are some tips to get rid of mildew today

1. The cotton fabric

Mildew cotton goods can be first in the air in the air, to dry with a brush to mildew.


The mildew spot on nylon clothes can be brushed with high grade petrol, after waiting for petrol volatilize, put with wet cloth on clothes ironing, can restore the appearance characteristic of wool.

3.Silks and satins

The mildew spot on silks and satins, usable flannelette or new towel wipes go gently, bigger spot can spray ammonia-liquid to go up at silk, reoccupy iron iron is very smooth.The mildew spot of white satin, wipe with alcohol gently can.

4.Chemical fiber fabric

Chemical fiber fabric is mildew, can be used with a brush with thick soapy water scrub, then wipe with clean water.

Mildew On Cloth


Hemp fabric can be scrubbed with calcium chloride solution, old mildew spot, can be scrubbed with light salt water.

6.Wool fabric

The old mildew spot of wool silk can be washed with 100% citric acid solution.

In addition I would also brought you to remove soup, milk stains method.

Method for removing the soup and milk stains: apply the gasoline to the stains first, rub with your hands to remove the stains, and then use 20% ammonia solution to rub the stains gently. After the stains are removed, rub with soap or detergent, and then rinse with clean water.

elaine zhou

Business Director-Elaine Zhou:
More than 10+ years on clothing development & producing.


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