Behind the glitz, please let the fashion go slowly

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Many people say that a fast-paced life requires a "slow mindset".In the fashion industry, the rapid replacement of clothing products, continuous discarding, and uncontrolled repeated consumption all make people see the problems of impetuous life. Many people in the fashion industry begin to call for facing up to the change of society and consumption environment, so as to give fashion designers a chance to slowly polishing their clothes.As Balmain did in its latest season of couture, there is no avant-garde whimsy, no flashy showmanship, just solid craftsmanship and fine craftsmanship, with no hours on the line.

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While brands don't speak in unison, their lack of new models, longer release cycles and focus on quality suggests that the fashion code may have changed: speed is no longer king, and slowness wins.

The art of clothing takes time to weave

Fashion trend is fleeting, but there are always some people with the most basic needlework fabric, slowly heart weaving a gorgeous slow work.Designer Jule Waibel is deeply fascinated by the structure of fabric folds and deformations, focusing her fashion on geometric shapes and deformations.These folds need to be manually pressed on the paper mold to finalize the design, and the cardboard selected as the mold must be folded horizontally and diagonally in advance. Therefore, a dozen of people could only complete one skirt after 10 hours of struggle, but the investment of time cost was changed into a beautiful work.

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"I would like fashion to be flexible with a woman's seasonal body shape, but it takes time."Designer Richard Malone takes this time - free approach a step further.He believes that women of any age and shape can find beauty in intricate folds and large pendants, even if the fashions require hundreds of hours of folding and adjustment.This kind of stripe and fold style, which requires time investment, is also frequently seen in KENZO, LV and other brands' 2021 new products.

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What further goes against the machine-like and high-efficient pursuit of today's society is the haute couture of various big brands.A CHANEL or Valentino is highly ordered, but it usually requires 1500-1600 man-hours.While the couture takes a long time, the luxury wearers can afford to wait, not fearing to miss the trend, but believing that their style choices will set it off.These people don't care about fast fashion.

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The special temperature of "slow style"

The Oscars red carpet has always been an indicator of fashion trends and a showcase for top stars.Strangely, the 2020 red carpet was different from previous years, with several female stars showing up in "old dresses" that were unthinkable in the past.The stars' choices may be a sign that time-rich clothes aren't seasonal disposals, but fashion gems worth chewing over.

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It's not just the high-powered businesswomen, movie stars and singers. Under the influence of this style, mass consumers are also becoming more patient.Men's wear label SLOWEAR teamed up with fashion magazine Forza Style after surveying Customers in Tokyo to publish a "slow Style" look: "We live in a city that's colorful and diverse, but where fashion is slowing down."They tend to fill their wardrobes with more durable, versatile basics that allow urban style to break through time scales and create a special slow life style.

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When will this "slow wind" sweep the fashion world?Or will the style soon be overwhelmed by the tide of fashion?Perhaps Shanghai Garment, with its extensive experience, will provide the answer.Shanghai Garment has accumulated a large number of brand customers who put quality first, and also gathered a group of excellent Garment designers who pay attention to originality design.If you are also proud of the design of your clothes, and if you like to slow down and design clothes with your heart, Shanghai Garment welcomes your OEM partners, and will try its best to give full play to the strengths of both of us, so as to seize more unexpected business opportunities for you.Don't wait, please contact us now!

elaine zhou

Business Director-Elaine Zhou:
More than 10+ years on clothing development & producing.


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